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of using PEROL  for the treatment of animals, premises and equipment for the purpose of destroying ectoparasites, flying insects and cockroaches

(Organization-developer:  “BioKhimPharm”, Vladimir region, Raduzhny town)

I. General information

1. Trade name of the medicinal product: Perol.

International non-patent name: permethrin.

2. Dosage form: solution for external use.

The drug as an active substance contains a synthetic pyrethroid permethrin (Permethrin) at a final concentration of 0.9%, as well as auxiliary substances.

3. In appearance, the preparation is an oily liquid from light yellow to yellow with a specific odor.

4. The preparation is ready to be ready for use, packaged in 10 ml bottles, spray bottles of 30 and 100 ml, aerosol cans with spray heads and protective caps of 170 ml, non-propellant cylinders with a sprayer of 500 and 1000 ml and polyethylene cans for 1, 2.5; 5,0 and 10,0 l.

Each package is labeled with the manufacturer’s organization, its address and trademark, the name, purpose and method of application, the name and content of the active substances, the volume and / or weight of the preparation in the package, the inscriptions “for veterinary use”, serial numbers, dates manufacturing, shelf life, storage conditions, “Shake before use”, designations of technical specifications and instructions for use.

5. Store the preparation in the manufacturer’s closed container in a fire-safe room away from heating appliances and direct sunlight, away from forage and food products in a place inaccessible to children and unauthorized persons at a temperature from minus 20 ° С to 40 ° С.

Shelf life of the product under the storage conditions is 18 months from the date of manufacture. Do not use the drug after the expiration date.

II. Pharmacological properties

6. Pharmacological properties of the drug Perol are due to the active ingredient in its composition, permethrin.

7. Permethrin is an insecticidal-acaricidal agent of intestinal contact action from the class of synthetic pyrethroids. It is active against various species of ticks, flies, lice and other ectoparasites of animals. It breaks the function of the nervous system, acting on sodium-potassium channels and calcium exchange in the synapses, which leads to the release of excessive amounts of acetylcholine during the passage of the nerve impulse.

Poisoning in arthropods is manifested in a strong excitation, lesion of motor centers, accompanied by paralysis and subsequent death. Has a long residual effect on the skin-hair cover of animals and the treated surfaces of the premises.

8. Perol toxicity preparation for warm-blooded persons refers to moderately toxic (hazard class III according to GOST 12.1.007-76). In the recommended mode of administration and doses, it does not have a skin-resorptive, local irritant and sensitizing effect.

III. The order of application

9. The drug is used to treat animals, premises and equipment to destroy ectoparasites, flying insects and cockroaches.

10. When using the preparation in an aerosol can, before the treatment, the balloon is shaken, the protective cap is removed and, by pressing the spray head, the aerosol torch is directed from a distance of 25-30 cm to the skin-hair cover of the animal. The release rate of the drug is 2.4 g / s.

From one aerosol can, 170 grams are processed with 2-3 heads of cattle, 10-12 head of sheep, 12-15 pigs or 10-12 dogs. The treatment is carried out depending on the weight of the animal for 15-20 seconds.

11. When using the drug in a non-propellant container or spray bottle, dispatch the spray nozzle towards the surface to be treated from a distance of 20-30 cm, and by pressing on the handle of the pump or the head of the nebulizer, the treatment is carried out. The rate of drug release is 2.0 g / s.

The preparation in spray bottles with a capacity of 30 ml and 100 ml is used for the treatment of small animals and the treatment of ear scars.

From one non-propellant balloon 500 ml (1000 ml) – 7-8 (15-16) heads of cattle or 12-15 (25-30) pigs.

12. Prepacked in vials of a dropper drug is used to treat earaches and demodicosis of dogs. Before use, the preparation is shaken, the protective cover is unscrewed and each ear is buried, or rubbed with a swab into the affected and adjacent skin areas with demodecosis of dogs and cat noctroidosis.

13. Prepacked in plastic jerricans, the drug is sprayed with various types of hand-held, mounted, trailed, self-propelled sprayers and aerosol disinfection apparatus (TAN, RCC, SAG-1, etc.).

For the treatment of one animal the consumption of the drug is from 35 to 60 g.

14. For the protection of all species of animals from Dipterous insects (flies, flies, mosquitoes, gnats, midges) treatment is carried out during the mass summer, once and repeated as necessary. The drug is applied to the entire surface of the body, especially the head, abdomen and extremities area based on the above stated consumption rates. The treatment of animals is carried out outdoors individually or in groups.

15. Perol is used to control flies in the feeding areas, dispensaries, artificial insemination stations, machines for keeping new calves and other objects of cattle breeding, pig breeding, fur farms, stud farms and enterprises for processing livestock raw materials.

The processing of premises is carried out in the absence of animals and livestock products. Equipment for the processing of livestock raw materials before processing is covered with a polyethylene film.

To destroy winged flies, the preparation is sprayed into the air or applied on the surface at the locations of flies localization at a rate of 1 g per 1 m3 and 10-12 g per 1 m2 of room. From one aerosol container can be treated room with a volume of 170 m3 or 15-17 m2 of equipment surface, from one non-propellant balloon with a capacity of 500 and 1000 cm3 -40-45 and 80-90 m2, respectively. Before processing indoors, the windows and doors are closed.

In summer camps, flies are destroyed by selective application of the drug to internal and external walls, canopies, pens and other places of localization of insects, avoiding its entry into milking equipment and dairy equipment.

After the treatment, the rooms are kept closed for 1-1.5 hours, after which they are well ventilated for 30 minutes.

16. To combat cockroaches on livestock facilities, treatment of premises can be carried out in the presence of animals. In the points for the reception and processing of livestock products before processing, the equipment is covered with a polyethylene film. The treatment site is subjected to localization of insects twice with an interval of 10-12 days.

17. To combat lice, fleas and hair in mink, dogs and cats, the drug is sprayed onto the entire surface of the animal’s body for 2-3, 5-7 and 3-5 seconds, respectively. Pregnant mink is treated no later than two weeks before the pupping. Treatment of mink with puppies is carried out at an ambient temperature of at least 10-15 0С. Repeated treatment is carried out according to indications after 13-15 days.

For extermination of flea places in the congestion, Perol treats booths (lodges) for dogs and enclosure enclosures. The drug consumption is 50-60 ml / m2 of the surface to be treated. The litter of sawdust, straw is removed and burned, and from other materials – washed with detergents.

18. Sheep, suffering from psoroptosis, treat only the cut, irrigating the entire body of the animal. With a preventive purpose, the treatment is carried out once. With a pronounced illness, treatment is carried out twice with an interval of 8-10 days. The drug consumption is 14-16 g per animal (1 aerosol can for 10-12 animals, 1 non-propellant balloon 500 cm3 and 1000 cm3 for 30-32 and 60-64 animals, respectively).

19. For scabies and demodecoses of cattle and pigs, the preparation in the form of an aerosol is applied to the skin-hair covering of the entire surface of the body, regardless of the extent of the lesion. The treatment is carried out twice with an interval of 8-12 days.

20. In case of demodecosis of dogs and cat noctroidosis, the affected areas of the body before treatment are cleaned of crusts and scabs with a cotton-gauze swab. Then Perol in the form of an aerosol is applied to the affected areas and adjacent areas of healthy skin from the periphery to the center for 1 second, or with a tampon dabbed from the vial dropper by 0.1-0.3 ml (3-10 drops) per 1 kg mass of the animal. To avoid licking the Perol, the jaws of the animal are closed with a loop of braid, which is removed after 15 minutes after application of the preparation. Animals with extensive skin lesions are treated in two doses at intervals of 1 day, applying the drug first to one, and then to the other half of the affected surface. The treatment is carried out four times at intervals of 5-7 days.

21. With psoroptosis of rabbits, otodectosis of fur-bearing animals, dogs and cats, the ear form of sarcoptic swine, the ear canal is previously cleaned from scabs and crusts moistened with hydrogen peroxide. Perol in the aerosol package is applied from a distance of 25-30 cm for 2 seconds (when using the drug in non-propellant balloons, press the spray gun 2 times), directing the torch to the inner surface of the auricle. From the vial-dropper the drug is applied depending on the size of the animal for 0.5-1.0 ml (15-35 drops) in each ear. For more complete treatment, the auricle is folded in half and slightly massaged by its base. The treatment is carried out twice with an interval of 7-8 days.

22. Re-treat as necessary.

23. Slaughter of animals for meat is allowed not earlier than 10 days after the last treatment with Perol. When forced to slaughter a predetermined period, meat is used for animal feed, or for the production of meat and bone meal.

IV. Precautionary measures

24. When working with Perol, it is necessary to be guided by the rules set out in the “Instruction on the Safety in the Storage, Transport and Use of Pesticides in Agriculture” (M., Kolos, 1976). The duration of work should not exceed 6 hours.

25. Persons working with the drug are required to use a set of personal protective equipment consisting of a coveralls and a helmet made from a cloth with acid-resistant impregnation, rubber gloves, sealed protective glasses ZP-2-80, 3-80 or “Monoblock”, respirator RU-6OM or RPG-67 with a cartridge of the brand A.

26. Do not smoke, eat or drink while working.

27. After work, as well as before eating, work clothes should be removed, wash your face and hands, rinse your mouth. Every day after work, the faces of gas masks and respirators should be thoroughly rinsed in warm water with soap and disinfected with a cotton swab soaked in a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate, then rinse again in clean water and dry. Washing and disinfection of overalls should be carried out centrally.

28. It is prohibited to use Perol near an open fire, heat it above 50 ° C, disassemble filled aerosol cans.

29. Signs of Perol poisoning can be manifested in the form of headache, dizziness, general weakness, abdominal pain, increased salivation, narrowing of the pupils, decreased visual acuity, difficulty breathing, increased heart rate.

V. First aid in poisoning

30. At the first sign of poisoning with aerosol, it is necessary to urgently call a doctor or a paramedic and take measures to provide first aid. First of all, it is necessary to stop the further receipt of the pesticide in the body of the victim, for which it should be removed from the area of action of the poison to fresh air.

If the product gets on the skin and mucous membranes, it is thoroughly rinsed off with a jet of cold water, preferably with soap or, without smearing or rubbing, remove with a swab, a piece of cloth, then wash with water or a slightly alkaline solution. If the product gets into the eyes, they are abundantly washed with water 2-3% solution of drinking soda or boric acid (teaspoon per glass of water).

If the drug is ingested through the mouth, the affected person should be given several glasses of water (preferably warm) and irritation of the posterior pharyngeal wall to induce vomiting. After vomiting, drink 0.5 cups of water with 2-3 tablespoons of activated carbon or another absorbent substance (burnt magnesia, white clay, etc.).

Then you should give a salt laxative (30 g of English or Glauber’s salt for half a cup of water). Oily laxatives are contraindicated.

When breathing is weakened, one should sniff ammonia alcohol, if it stops, immediately begin artificial respiration. To provide first aid in places of work with pesticides, there should be first aid kits that need to be replenished as far as the consumption of medicines is concerned.

VI. Treatment of animals with Perol poisoning

31. When Perol poisoning cattle enter intramuscularly 1% atropine at a dose of 0.5 mg / kg (5 ml of 1% atropine per 100 kg). To horses, pigs, rabbits, atropine is administered at a dose of 1 mg / kg.

32. For more effective treatment, 10% calcium chloride solution is administered intravenously at a rate of 0.5 ml / kg 1-2 times a day for 2 to 3 days, a 40% glucose solution intravenously at a dose of 1 ml / kg and intraperitoneal administration of isotonic solutions of table salt (0.9%) in a volume of 0.5 – 2.0 liters.

Permanent link to this article: http://biohimfarm.ru/en/protivoparazitarnie/perol/