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on application of the preparation Cydem for fight against bloodsucking insects and other ectoparasites of animals

(organization-developer: LLC Firm “Biochempharm”, Raduzhny, Vladimir region).

I. General information.

1. Trade name of the drug: Cydem (Cydem).

International nonproprietary name: cypermethrin (Cypermethrin).

2. Dosage form: solution for external use.

CIDEM contains 1 ml as the active ingredient 2 mg cypermethrin (Cypermethrin), as well as excipients.

Produce Tsidem ready for use, packaged in vials, droppers, spray bottles, aerosol cans with spray heads and protective caps, bespropellentnye spray bottles and plastic cans.

3. Shelf life of the drug under conditions of storage in a closed package-1.5 years from the date of manufacture.

Cinema do not use after expiration date.

4. The drug is stored in a closed packaging manufacturer in a fireproof room away from heaters and direct sunlight, separate from feed and food at a temperature of minus 20°C to 50°C.

5. CIDEM should be stored out of the reach of children.

6. Unused product with expired shelf life is disposed of in accordance with the requirements of the legislation.

II. Pharmacological properties.

7. Pharmacotherapeutic group of the drug: a means to combat ectoparasites.

Pharmacological properties of the drug due to CIDEM included in its composition active substance cypermethrin.

Cypermethrin ( Cypermethrin)-insecticidal-acaricidal agent of intestinal contact action from the class of synthetic pyrethroids. It is active against different types of ticks, flies, lice and other ectoparasites of animals. Disrupts the function of the nervous system, acting on sodium-potassium channels and calcium metabolism in synapses, which leads to the release of excessive amounts of acetylcholine during the passage of the nerve impulse. Poisoning in arthropods is manifested in strong excitation, defeat of the motor centers, accompanied by paralysis with subsequent death. It has a long-lasting residual effect on the skin and hair of animals and treated surfaces of the premises.

Tsidem on toxicity for warm-blooded applies to moderately toxic, LD50 for white mice accounts for 438 mg/kg (3 class dangers on GOST 12.1.007-76). In the recommended mode of application and doses does not have a skin-resorptive, locally irritating and sensitizing effect.

III. The order of application.

8. The drug is used to combat ectoparasites that cause scabies of cattle, pigs, sheep, psoroptosis of rabbits, demodecosis and otodectosis of dogs, cats, fur-bearing animals, flies, blood-sucking insects.

9. Contraindications to the use of the drug is an individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Processing of milking, suckling and pregnant animals is forbidden.

10. When using the drug in an aerosol container before treatment, the balloon is shaken, the protective cap is removed and, pressing the spray head, the aerosol torch is directed from a distance of 25 – 30 cm to the skin and hair of the animal. The rate of release of the drug is 2.4 g / s.

From one aerosol container of 170 g process 2-3 heads of cattle, 10-12 heads of sheep, 12-15 heads of pigs or 10-12 dogs. The treatment is carried out depending on the weight of the animal for 15 – 20 seconds.

When using the drug in a non-propellant container or spray bottle, the atomizer hole is directed towards the treated surface from a distance of 20-30 cm, and pressing the pump handle or the atomizer head, the treatment is carried out. The rate of release of the drug is 2.0 g / s.

The drug in spray bottles with a capacity of 30 ml and 100 ml is used for the treatment of small animals and the treatment of ear scabies.

From one 500 ml (1000 ml) non-propellant cylinder) — 7 – 8 (15 – 16) heads of cattle or 12-15 (25 – 30) pigs.

Packaged in plastic cans, the drug is sprayed using various types of manual, hinged, trailed, self-propelled sprayers and devices for aerosol disinfection (TAN, RSSZH, SAG-1, etc.).

On processing one animal consumption drug accounts for from 35 until 60 propulsion

Packaged in dropper bottles, the drug is used to treat ear scabies and demodecosis of dogs. Before use, the drug is shaken, Unscrew the protective cover and bury each ear, or RUB a swab into the affected and adjacent areas of the skin with demodecosis of dogs and notohedrosis of cats.

Treatment of all species of animals against Diptera insects (flies, horseflies, mosquitoes, midges, midges, etc.) is carried out during their mass summer once and repeat as necessary. Aerosol preparation is applied to the entire surface of the body, especially the head, abdomen and extremities at the rate of 14-16 g per calf and 8-10 g per pig, as well as on the site of the accumulation of flies in the room.

CIDEM used to deal with flies in normocapnia, dispensaries, artificial insemination stations, machines for keeping newborn calves and other livestock, swine, fur farms, stock farms and enterprises for processing animal raw materials.

Processing of premises is carried out in the absence of animals and animal products. The equipment for processing of animal raw materials before processing is covered with a polyethylene film.

To destroy winged flies, the drug is sprayed into the air or applied to the surface in places of localization of flies at the rate of 1 g per 1 m3 and 10 – 12 g per 1 m2 of the room. From one aerosol container it is possible to process the room with a volume of 170 m3 or 15-17 m2 of the equipment surface, from one non-propellant container with a capacity of 500 and 1000 cm3-40-45 and 80 – 90 m2 respectively. Before processing indoors close Windows and doors.

In summer camps, flies are destroyed by selectively applying the drug to internal and external walls, sheds, pens and other insect containment sites, avoiding its ingress into milking equipment and dairy equipment.

At the end of treatment, the premises are kept closed 1-1.5 hours, after which they are well ventilated for 30 minutes.

To combat cockroaches at livestock facilities, treatment of premises can be carried out in the presence of animals. In points on reception and processing of products of animal husbandry before processing the equipment cover with a polyethylene film. Treatment is subjected to the localization of insects twice at intervals of 10-12 days.

Sheep with psoroptosis, treated only shorn, irrigating the entire body of the animal. For preventive purposes, treatment is carried out once. With a pronounced disease, treatment is carried out twice with an interval of 8 to 10 days. Consumption drug 14-16 g on pet (1 aerosol balloon on 10-12 animals, 1 bespropellentnyy balloon 500 cm3 and 1,000 cm3 – on 30-32 and 60 – 64 animals respectively).

In scabies and demodecosis of cattle and pigs, the drug in the form of an aerosol is applied to the skin and hair of the entire surface of the body, regardless of the degree of damage. The treatment is carried out twice with an interval of 8-12 days.

When demodicosis of dogs and cats notoedres affected areas of the body before handling cleaned from crusts and scabs with a cotton-gauze swab. Then, on the affected areas and adjacent areas of healthy skin from the periphery to the center is applied Tsidem in the form of an aerosol for 1 second, or moistened from a vial-dropper swab of 0.1-0.3 ml (3-10 drops) per 1 kg of animal weight. To avoid licking Tsidema jaws dogs closed loop of tape, which is removed 15 minutes after application of the drug. Animals with extensive skin lesions are treated in two doses at intervals of 1 day, applying the drug first to one and then to the other half of the affected surface. The treatment is carried out four times at intervals of 5-7 days.

At psoroptosis of rabbits, otodectosis of fur animals, dogs and cats, an ear form of sarcoptosis of pigs an ear passage preliminary clear of scabs and crusts the tampon moistened with hydrogen peroxide. Tsidem in aerosol packaging is applied from a distance of 25-30 cm for 2 seconds (when using the drug in non-propellant cylinders, press the handle of the sprayer 2 times), directing the torch to the inner surface of the ear. From the dropper bottle make preparation depending on the size of the animal at 0.5 – 1.0 ml (15 – 35 drops) in each ear. For a more complete treatment of the auricle folded in half and lightly massage its base. The treatment is carried out twice at intervals of 7 to 8 days.

When sifunkulyatoze cattle aerosol drug is applied to the entire surface of the body, especially the head, abdomen and extremities at the rate of 40-60 grams per animal (1 aerosol container for 3 animals, 1 bespropellentny balloon 500 cm3 1000 cm3 – 7 – 8i 15-16 animals, respectively). Re-treatment is carried out in the summer after 7-10 days, in spring and autumn after 17 days, in winter after 20-23 days.

Treatment against fleas is carried out directly on the affected animals and in the habitats of fleas in the external environment. Dogs treated with irrigating the entire body of the animal at a rate of 14-16 g per animal. Re-treatment is carried out in 7-10 days. To destroy flea concentrations, Tideman treat boxes (houses) for dogs and fencing enclosures. Consumption of the drug 50-60 ml / m2 of the treated surface. Litter from sawdust, straw clean and burn, and from other materials-erase detergents.

In the presence of a chicken tick in poultry houses (farms, the private sector) processing is carried out in the absence of a bird. Through 30-40 minutes after processing drinkers, trough, the remnants of drug remove detergents means, and then let in losing. The treatment is carried out at a room temperature of 20ºC – 25ºC. Repeated treatments are carried out in 8-12 days.

Re-processing is carried out as necessary.

11. Symptoms of overdose when using the drug in accordance with this instruction is not established.

Permanent link to this article: http://biohimfarm.ru/en/protivoparazitarnie/cydem/