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of using Aksamit-NEO for fighting blood-sucking insects and ectoparasites of animals

(Organization-developer:  “BioKhimPharm”, Vladimir region, Raduzhny town)

I. General information

1. Aksamit-Neo  is a preparation of insecticacaricidal and repellent action for fighting blood-sucking insects and ectoparasites of animals.

2. Aksamit-Neo as active substances contains cypermethrin, tetramethrin, piperonyl butoxide, dimethylsulfoxide, and also auxiliary substances.

In appearance, the preparation is an oily liquid from light yellow to yellow with a specific odor.

3. The preparation is ready to be ready for use, packaged in spray-bottles of 30 and 100 ml, aerosol cans of 170 ml, non-propellant cylinders with a spray of 500 ml and 1 l or polyethylene canisters of 1; 3; 5 and 10 liters.

Each package is labeled with the manufacturer’s organization, its address and trademark, the name, purpose and method of application, the name and content of the active substances, the volume and / or weight of the preparation in the package, the inscriptions “for animals”, the serial numbers, the date of manufacture , shelf life, storage conditions, “Shake before use”, designations of technical specifications and provide instructions for use.

Shelf life of the drug under the conditions of storage in a sealed package is 1.5 years from the date of manufacture. Do not use the drug after the expiration date.

4. Store the preparation in the manufacturer’s closed container in a fire-safe room away from heating appliances and direct sunlight, separate from forage and food products.

The drug should be stored out of reach of children and unauthorized persons at a temperature of minus 20 ° C to 40 ° C.

The unused preparation and with the expired useful life are disposed of in accordance with the requirements of the legislation.

II. Pharmacological properties

5. Pharmacological properties of the drug Aksamit-Neo are due to its constituent active substances cypermethrin, tetrametrin, piperonyl butoxide and diethyltoluamide.

6. Cypermethrin, tetramethrin, piperonyl butoxide – insecticidal-acaricidal agents of intestinal contact action from the class of synthetic pyrethroids. They are active against various species of ticks, flies, lice and other ectoparasites of animals. Violate the function of the nervous system, acting on sodium-potassium channels and calcium exchange in the synapses, which leads to the release of excessive amounts of acetylcholine during the passage of a nerve impulse.

Poisoning in arthropods is manifested in a strong excitation, lesion of motor centers, accompanied by paralysis and subsequent death. Mutually reinforce each other’s action.

Diethyltoluamide (Diethyltoluamide) is an insecticide that has a repellent effect, effectively protects against the bites of bloodsucking insects (mosquitoes, slimy, mosquitoes, midges, flies, fleas, bloodsucking flies, mites, etc.

The mechanism of action of diethyltoluamide is based on interaction with olfactory receptors of arthropods, which causes scaring effect.

The rational combination of auxiliary components (solvents, emulsifiers, prolongators) provides a long lasting effect on the skin-hair covering of animals and the treated surfaces of the premises – up to 30 days.

7. The drug Aksamit-Neo toxicity for warm-blooded people refers to moderately toxic (hazard class III according to GOST 12.1.007-76). In the recommended mode of administration and doses, it does not have a skin-resorptive, local-irritant and sensitizing effect.

III. The order of application

8. The drug is used to control flies, blood-sucking insects, ectoparasites, causing scabies of cattle, pigs, sheep, psoroptosis of rabbits, demodicosis and ode-deformosis of dogs, cats, fur-bearing animals.

9. Before processing, the aerosol can is shaken, the protective cap is removed and, by pressing the spray head, the aerosol torch is directed from a distance of 25-30 cm to the skin-hair cover of the animal. The release rate of the drug is 2.4 g / s.

10. 170 g of a single aerosol canister are processed with 2-3 heads of cattle, 10-12 head of sheep, 12-15 heads of pigs or 10-12 dogs. The treatment is carried out depending on the weight of the animal for 15-20 seconds.

11. When using the drug in a non-propellant balloon, a protective cover is removed from it, in place of which the trigger nozzle is screwed. The balloon body is pressed with a hand until the jet of the preparation emerges from the nozzle and, by pressing the handle of the nebulizer, is processed.

The drug is sprayed from a distance of 25-30 cm. The rate of drug release is 2.0 g / s.

The rate of consumption of the drug from one non-propellant balloon is 500 ml (1000 ml) – 7-8 (15-16) head of cattle or 12-15 (25-30) pigs.

12. Prepacked in plastic jerricans, the drug is sprayed with various types of manual, mounted, trailed, self-propelled sprayers and devices for aerosol disinfection (TAN, RCC, SAG-1, etc.).

For the treatment of one animal the consumption of the drug is from 35 to 60 g of the preparation.

13. The drug, packaged in droppers, is used to treat local skin lesions with a cotton swab, or instilled into the auricle in the treatment of dog demodicosis, rabbit psoroptosis, dog otodectosis and fur animals. Before working with the dropper, remove the protective cap.

14. Treatment against dipterous insects (flies, flies, mosquitoes, gnats, midges) is carried out once during their mass summer and repeated as necessary. Aerosol of the drug is applied to the entire surface of the body, especially the head, abdomen and extremities area based on the above stated consumption rates. The treatment of animals is carried out outdoors individually or in groups. Similarly, the drug is used for sifunkulatozah cattle and pigs.

15. To combat entomosis of mink and dogs, the preparation is sprayed onto the entire surface of the animal’s body for 2-3 and 5-7 seconds, respectively. Pregnant mink is treated no later than two weeks before the pupping. Treatment of mink with puppies is carried out at an ambient temperature of at least 10-15 0С.

16. Sheep, suffering from psoroptosis, treat only the cut, irrigating the entire body of the animal. With a preventive purpose, the treatment is carried out once. With a pronounced illness, treatment is carried out twice with an interval of 8-10 days. The drug consumption is 14-16 g per animal (1 aerosol can for 10-12 animals, 1 non-propellant balloon for 30-32 animals).

17. In scabies and demodecoses of cattle and pigs, the preparation in the form of an aerosol is applied to the skin-hair covering of the entire surface of the body, regardless of the degree of damage. The treatment is carried out twice with an interval of 8-12 days.

18. In demodicosis of dogs, the affected areas of the body before treatment are cleaned of crusts and scabs with a cotton-gauze swab. Then, to the affected areas and adjacent areas of healthy skin from the periphery to the center, apply Aksamit-Neo in the form of an aerosol for 1 second or, moistened with a swab at the rate of 0.1-0.3 ml per 1 kg of animal weight. To avoid lumping of Aksamit-Neo, the jaws of the animal are closed with a loop of braid, which is removed after 15 minutes after applying the preparation. Animals with extensive skin lesions are treated in two doses at intervals of 1 day, applying the drug first to one, and then to the other half of the affected surface. The treatment is carried out four times at intervals of 5-7 days.

19. With psoroptosis of rabbits, otodectosis of fur animals and dogs, the ear form of sarcoptic swine, the ear canal is previously cleaned from scabs and crusts moistened with hydrogen peroxide. Aksamit-Neo in aerosol packaging is applied from a distance of 25-30 cm for 2 seconds (when using the drug in non-propellant balloons, press the spray pen 2 times), directing the torch to the inner surface of the auricle. For more complete treatment, the auricle is folded in half and slightly massaged by its base. The treatment is carried out twice with an interval of 3-5 days.

20. Repeat the treatment as necessary.

21. Slaughter of animals for meat is allowed no earlier than 3 days after bathing, spraying or watering the drug. In the case of forced slaughter of animals before the specified time, the meat can be used for feeding carnivorous animals or in the production of meat and bone meal. Restrictions on the use of milk are absent.

IV. Precautionary measures

22. Work with aerosols of the drug Aksamit-Neo is carried out in clothing and personal protective equipment (robe, goggles, rubber boots, gloves) veterinary specialists or instructed persons.

23. To prevent inhalation, use a gauze dressing with a cotton pad, respirator or gas mask.

24. Do not smoke, eat or drink during work.

After work, the overalls are removed and hung out for airing. The face and hands are thoroughly washed with warm water and soap.

25. Store packages with  Aksamit-Neo in a non-residential area under lock, away from direct sunlight, heating appliances and open fire. On the packaging must be a label indicating the name of the drug, its formulation and the content of the active substance. For each batch of the drug must be a factory passport.

26. Do not store and transport aerosol cans with food and fodder.

27. If the product gets into the eyes, they should be washed abundantly with a jet of clean water or with a 2% solution of drinking soda for 5-10 minutes. When irritating the mucous membrane of the eye – drip with a solution of albucid, with soreness – 2% solution of novocaine. If the throat irritates, rinse it with a 2% solution of drinking soda, make soda inhalation.

28. If the product is accidentally applied to the skin, it should be thoroughly washed off with soap and water.

29. If signs of poisoning appear, seek medical help immediately.

Permanent link to this article: http://biohimfarm.ru/en/protivoparazitarnie/aksamit-neo/