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of using “Teodez 60”.  

(organization-producer –  BioKhimPharm in Raduzhny)  


1. Teodez-60  is a disinfectant in the form of a solution intended for the disinfection of veterinary, medical and public facilities for the prevention of infectious diseases of animals and humans.

2. “Teodez 60” as an active substance in 100 ml contains tetramethylene diethylenetetramine – 60 g, complexon Trilon B as an auxiliary substance and solvent – up to 100 ml.

3. In appearance, Teodez 60 is an opaque liquid from orange to light brown in color. During storage it is allowed to form a precipitate, which is easily broken by shaking. Miscible with water in any proportions. The working solutions of Teodez 60 do not have corrosion properties, do not spoil products made of plastic, rubber and wood, do not discolour the fabric, do not fix organic impurities.

Recommended for application concentrations of the drug, treatment of rooms and equipment can be carried out in the presence of animals.

4. “Teodez-60” is manufactured in packaged 1, 5, 10 and 30 dm3 in polyethylene cans of appropriate capacity, sealed with polymer caps with the control of the first opening.

Each canister is marked with the indication of: the manufacturing organization, its address and trademark,

name, purpose and method of application of the product, the name and content of the active substance, the amount of the product in the package, the date of manufacture, the expiry date, serial number, precautionary measures, storage conditions, state registration number, information on compliance confirmation and provide instructions for use.

“Teodez-60” is stored in a dry place protected from direct sunlight at a temperature from minus 20 ° С to 30 ° С.

Shelf life under storage conditions is 1 year from the date of manufacture. Working solutions remain active for 14 days.

“Teodez-60” after the expiry date should not be applied.


5. “Teodez 60” has a wide range of action against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria (including, mycobacterium tuberculosis and spore-forming forms), as well as viruses and fungi. The disinfecting activity of tetramethylene diethylene tetramine (TMDEET) is due to its ability to penetrate into bacterial cells and viruses, to interact with amino groups of purine and pyrimidine bases of nucleic acids, blocking their matrix-genetic function.

6. By the degree of impact on the body, the “Teodez-60” refers to moderately hazardous substances (hazard class 3 according to GOST 12.1.007-76). Inhalation hazard is not. In concentrated form it exhibits a moderately pronounced local irritant effect on the mucous membranes of the eyes and the skin. It has weakly expressed cumulative properties and sensitizing effect. In recommended concentrations for use, does not cause irritation of the respiratory tract, eyes and skin mucosa.


7. “Teodez-60” is used for preventive and forced disinfection:

– livestock, poultry, fur farming premises, technological equipment in them, auxiliary livestock and animal care equipment;

– production facilities and process equipment at the meat-processing industry enterprises and shops for processing slaughter products, sanitary slaughterhouses at meat processing plants and slaughter stations, dairy blocks on dairy farms and complexes, feed mills, as well as containers for storing feed and animal products ;

– motor vehicles, railway wagons and other types of vehicles (used for transportation of animals, raw materials and products of animal origin), as well as open objects (ramps, platforms, platforms), places of animal clustering (territory and objects of pre-slaughter maintenance, markets, sports grounds, etc.);

– premises, equipment and equipment in zoos, circuses, nurseries, vivariums, veterinary clinics and clinics;

– overalls of attendants.

8. Disinfection is carried out by means of small-drop irrigation of the surfaces of premises and technological equipment in the absence of animals, slaughter products and products of animal origin using de-DUK-1, DUK-1M, AVD-1, UDP-M, LSD-ZM, LSD-EP or aerosol with the help of generators of volumetric aerosols, aerosol spraying from one or several positions sprayed into the room space (TAN nozzle, SAG-1, SAG-10 jet aerosol generators, Cascade, APA, ROU, centrifugal aerosol generators: TsAG-1, aerosol  generator of TSAGDZHET, thermomechanical aerosol generators: AG-CA-2, Aist, Aist-2M, GTU-750, etc.).

Work solutions are prepared by adding appropriate amounts of “Teodez-60” to tap water. When calculating the concentration of working solutions, the content of the active substance in the preparation is taken into account – 60% (Table 1).


Concentration of tetramethylene diethylene tetramine in working solution, (%)

Quantities of “Teodez-60” and water, necessary for the preparation of 1 liter of working solution



Water (ml)




















9. Preventive disinfection of various surfaces of livestock (poultry and fur farming) premises and technological equipment is carried out with a 3% solution at a rate of 0.3-0.5 l / m2 and an exposure of 3 hours.

Preventive disinfection of feeders and drinking bowls of all kinds of animals is carried out by filling them with 2-3% solution of the preparation and exposure for 3 hours, without subsequent rinsing with water. To reduce the exposure time, the concentration of the drug solution is increased to 10%, aged for 20-30 minutes, drained and used in operation without rinsing with water.

Preventive disinfection of the surfaces of premises and technological equipment of hatcheries, incubation and hatchery cabinets, halls for grafting poultry and sorting eggs, milk blocks on dairy farms is carried out with 2-3% solution at a rate of 0.25-0.3 l / m2 and exposure 6 hours

Preventive disinfection of industrial premises and technological equipment at enterprises of meat and poultry processing industry and in shops for the production of animal products is carried out by:

– smooth (stainless steel, aluminum, duralumin, galvanized iron, tile, plastic, etc.) surfaces with a 2% solution at a rate of 0.25-0.3 l / m2 and an exposure of 1 h;

– rough (walls painted with oil paint, metlakh tiles, rubber, porous plastic) surfaces with a 3% solution at a rate of 0.25-0.3 l / m2 and an exposure of 3 hours, and cement and drainage channels with a 5% solution of 0 , 5 l / m2 and 6 hours exposure.

Disinfection of all surfaces in the sanitary slaughterhouses of meat processing plants and slaughter stations is carried out with a 3% solution at a rate of 0.5 l / m2 and an exposure of 3 h.

Preventive disinfection of premises (cages) for keeping animals, equipment and equipment in zoos, circuses, nurseries, in vivariums, and also open objects (ramp, overpass, platform) and places of animals (markets, exhibitions, sports grounds) is carried out with a 2% a rate of flow of 0.5 l / m2 and an exposure of 12 h.

10. The forced (current and final) disinfection of surfaces for infectious diseases of bacterial and viral etiology, the causative agents of which are classified as resistant to disinfectants to low-resistant (l-th group) and stable (group 2), respectively 2% and 3% solutions at the rate of flow in both cases 0.5 l / m2 and 6 hours exposure.

The forced (current and final) disinfection of the surfaces of premises with infectious diseases caused by pathogens belonging to the highly resistant (3rd group) tuberculosis of animals and birds is carried out with a 5% solution twice at a rate of 0.5 l / m2 and an exposure of 3 hours.

Forced disinfection of the surfaces of premises with infectious diseases caused by pathogens related to particularly resistant (group 4) – spore infections, is carried out with a 15% solution with a double application at a rate of 0.5 l / m2 with each irrigation and exposure for 3 hours.

11. For the disinfection of premises, the use of “Teodez-60” in the form of volumetric and directed aerosols is possible. Requirements for disinfection with volumetric aerosols: the mass diameter of the particles should not exceed 25 microns, the rooms should be sealed, the air temperature in the room should be not lower than 12 ° С, and the humidity of air should not be lower than 60%.

12. After expiration of the established exposure to disinfection, feeding troughs, drinking bowls and other areas of surfaces accessible to animals, places of direct contact with raw materials, products of animal origin, places of possible accumulation of residues of disinfectant are washed with water. From the remaining flushing surfaces of the remains of “Teodez-60” is not required.

13. The overalls are decontaminated by soaking in a 0.5% solution of Teodez-60 in containers closed with a lid, in a ratio of 4 liters of solution per kilogram of dry clothing, with an exposure of 3 hours. At the end of the exposition, the overalls are rinsed well in water, followed by washing in the usual order. The disinfectants and disinfectants are filled with 1 -2% solution of the drug Teodes 60, which is changed daily.

14. Disinfection can be carried out in the presence of animals by irrigation of surfaces with 5% (not more) solution of the drug at the rate of 0,3-1,0 l / m2 or aerosol at the rate of 50 ml / m3 not more than 5% aqueous solution at 60 minutes exposure . Quality control of disinfection is carried out in accordance with the methodology set out in the “Rules for disinfection and disinfection of objects of state veterinary supervision” (2002).


15. When preparing and applying the working solutions of Teodez-60, it is necessary to strictly observe the precautions and safety measures. Work is not allowed to persons with increased sensitivity to chemicals and suffering from allergic diseases.

16. All types of work with Teodes 60 and its solutions are carried out using personal protective equipment – a cotton suit or robe, rubberized apron, rubber boots and gloves.

To protect the respiratory organs and eyes, a gas mask (GP-4U, GP-5) or a universal respirator (И1Г-б7, РУ-60М) with gas mask cartridge A or B and sealed glasses (PO-2, PO-3) is used.

17. While working with Teodez 60, it is forbidden to eat, drink or smoke. At the end of work, the face and hands should be washed with warm water and soap, rinse your mouth with water.

18. If you get Teodez-60 on the skin, it should be washed off with a stream of running water, if it gets in your eyes – rinse thoroughly with water. If necessary, consult a doctor.

If the “Teodez-60” drops into the stomach, the victim should be given a few glasses of water, then take 8-10 crushed activated carbon tablets and immediately consult a medical professional. Do not induce vomiting.

19. Teodez-60 should be stored in places that are not accessible to children.

Permanent link to this article: http://biohimfarm.ru/en/drugie_r/teodez-60/